Average # of treatments: 8 – 10 Frequency of treatments: Two to three times weekly. Etiology of injury/condition: Motor vehicle accident, trauma. Settings used: Acutron Mentor presets Probe #1 and Pad #1 Other therapies: Ultrasound, osseous manipulation, soft tissue manipulation, and massage.

Cervical-thoracic pain, trigger point dysfunction
including thoracic inlet/outlet syndrome

Acutron Mentor

Application brief #9404-BH-1

submitted by Phil Wolfe DT, based on 5 cases.

Average # of treatments:  8 – 10

Frequency of treatments:  Two to three times weekly.

Etiology of injury/condition:  Motor vehicle accident, trauma.

Settings used:  Acutron Mentor presets Probe #1 and Pad #1

Other therapies:  Ultrasound, osseous manipulation, soft tissue manipulation, and massage.  Myofascial release and osseous manipulation first, Acutron treatment and simultaneous range of motion exercises last.

Average results:                 Excellent                   Good              Fair                 Poor

Response to TX:                            

Carryover of results: